For nearly 36 years, the fate of John and Jean Block has
been one of the state’s greatest mysteries.
On July 4, 1977, the couple left Macomb Airport in Macomb County, planning to meet up with one of their sons in northern Michigan to
celebrate the holiday together. Their destination was the Lost Creek Sky Ranch
Airport in Luzerne, MI.
They never made it. And they haven’t been seen since.
Jean and John Block |
They took off in perfect weather conditions at about 11 a.m.
and were never seen again. While the fact that the couple simply vanished is
mysterious, the fact that the plane, which almost certainly crashed on land in
Michigan, has never been found is remarkable.
Ross Richardson, owner of the website,
believes the couple’s plane went down in the Huron-Manistee National Forest.
While that area of the northern Lower Peninsula is rural and remote, it only
seems logical that someone would stumble across a wrecked plane sometime in the
ensuing 36 years.
“Yes, either hiker or hunters. It’s probably in the
Huron-Manistee National Forest, which is a very remote location. And some of
these areas probably haven’t been seen since they were logged 100 years ago,”
Richardson said, who spoke on the subject at the 32nd Great Lakes
Shipwreck Festival in Ann Arbor on March 2 while discussing the topic “Michigan
Mystery Disappearances.”
Block, the longtime fire chief at U.S. Army TACOM, was a
resident of East Detroit, now Eastpointe. He had earned his pilot’s license in
1947 after serving in World War II. He didn’t have an extraordinary amount of
flight time, maybe 470 hours, (about 200-300 after 1970) but was rated as a
stunt pilot and would practice barrel rolls and other stunt maneuvers along
with safety procedures.
“That was our entertainment as kids,” said his son, John Jr.
“Other kids would go on vacation. We would head out to the airport and go for a
ride and have our dad scare the heck out of us.”
John Jr., a retired sheriff’s deputy in Grand Traverse
County, said his dad wasn’t instrument rated, so he would use road maps and
would follow major highways to get to his destination. And while his fateful
flight may have been one of his longest trips, he had been doing more
“cross-country” type flights and had flown to Traverse City three or four
The flight left at that morning with perfect flying
conditions. The Blocks had planned to meet up with their son Mike and his
family in Luzerne in the early afternoon. When they didn’t show up, Mike called
John Jr. in Traverse City to see if they had gone there instead. When a missing
person’s report was filed, search parties began an exhaustive search that
wouldn’t bear fruit. An FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) investigation was
The Block's 1969 Cessna 150 (Photos courtesy of John Block Jr.) |
John Jr., then 31 and active as a sheriff’s deputy, aided in
the search, often getting down on his hands and knees, combing the ground
looking for evidence. He and his wife spent the next 10-15 years scouring the
suspected crash zone with fliers and posters pleading for any information or
eyewitnesses that might help them find the downed plane. They followed tips
that ended with dead ends.
They sought the help of psychics, who told them the aircraft
went down in a swampy area in the Isabella Indian Reservation in Isabella
County near Mount Pleasant. Eventually, all trails ran cold.
Macomb County Probate Court issued death certificates for
John and Jean Block in April 1978. The family held a memorial service on July
24, 1978, a little more than a year after they disappeared.
John Jr., now 66, believes one of two things happened that
caused his parents to crash their 1969 Cessna 150: First, they ran into bad
weather that moved into the northern Lower Peninsula that afternoon and early
evening. But the weather would have only been a factor if the couple got lost
and their flight time extended by a couple of hours. Second, John Block, 57,
had some kind of medical emergency. His mom, Jean, 55, did not like flying and
didn’t know how to pilot the plane. He doubts it was a mechanical failure.
“It was a pretty reliable plane, with not many hours on it,”
John said. “My dad suffered from diabetes and high-blood pressure. I was really
surprised he passed his last couple of annual physicals.”
The flight path, north of West Branch, is indeed some of the
most remote, uninhabited and swampy locations in all of the Lower Peninsula.
The Mio and Huron Shores districts of the Huron-Manistee are in the area, and,
despite the fact that they are public lands, they don’t get an overwhelming
amount of foot traffic. And in such a thickly wooded area, the Cessna would
have been ripped apart by tree branches and hit the ground in pieces with
virtually no hole made in the tree canopy.
Block said there are also “immense” parcels of private land
that are full of swampy ground and are uninhabited, except for an occasional
cabin or cottage. It’s quite possible the plane was swallowed up in a swamp
pit, never to be seen again.
“It’s not somewhere where you would be out two-tracking,” he
Today, John Block realizes the odds of finding the missing
plane and his parents are long. But he holds out hope someone will come across
the plane with white wings and orange tips, and a green and white fuselage with
the tail number N50935. He points out that any pieces of aircraft found today
would indicate an unidentified aircraft, since crash scenes are completely
cleaned of debris after they have been investigated.
“I still hope every day to hear some news,” Block said. “It
would be nice to have some closure. Finding my parents is definitely at the top
of my bucket list.”